Friday 7 October 2011


I attended a lecture at one of our women groups, the lecturer Veronica Canning talked about Shoeisms - a woman's right to shoes. this was a concept that she had developed because she loved shoes and was able to use it as an acronym to explain what women should do.

She Has an academy for leaders, member of many organization, and speaker around the world.

She hopes that at the end of the presentation we will have a clarity of thought about our business.

She wanted us to ask ourselves: Am I surviving? Or thriving, or flying?

Of course we are only surviving? Not good

Our business is really in the head, not in the way the office looks? It's the head that matters.

Let us re-word and re-plan. A recession cleans out people that are not good, (if you are leaving a company because you don't like your boss, then wait until you work for yourself) hehe

If you are a futurist then all you need is two tools: one is the vision board (stick on it what you intend to do in the future including the brochure, the book that you want to write etc), the second is to have a big audacious aim (three years away something will have to happen), be ambitious and do it yourself, and put it in your diary and look at it every three months. It will happen.

S H O E S stands for:

S:Strategy, the audacious plan is your strategy

H: Honour yourself

Believe in yourself, and take charge of your own destiny, the locus of control is in you, don't let other people tell you that you a not good. Maybe our product do not fit those people.

O: Obstacles removed

Obstacles : is mainly people who can be classified as (psychic vampires, drainage, equalisers, enrichers, energizers) So what will you do if any of this type people come your way? do not talk about your audacious aim to psychic vampire.

The other obstacle is twin fear: fear of failure and fear of success. Do not have fear.

E: Everybody should have a #BRAND: the brand can be an accidental Brand or purposeful Brand (this means that the talk of the business, brochures, business card, website all should match and resemble the brand, I.e. Being the best)

S: Strands networks. Taking your brand to markets. Do networking but the right networking. Ask where are my clients? check which person you need to network with, then meet them.

Although what she said is not genius, it is written in every business book one reads, the only thing she did is to focus us into linking the business with what is useful for it, no one should go here, there and everywhere to find business, unless of course you are selling fizzy drink, and even this drink will have its clients.

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