Everyone tells me that I am fat and need to lose weight, my kids keep on reminding me of the size of my body parts!!! the trouble is, I have a weakness for food, and since looking at food makes me put on weight, then I might as well eat it. This is true folks, my husband can eat a whole box of chocolate without adding an ounce over to his body, on the other hand, I will put on few kilos just by looking at him with disgust!! having been on diet since the age of 18, I am not going to opologise to anyone about my size, and I will eat if I felt like it. Needless to say, my first ever cookbook was written by an Iraqi chef, and it was one of my most valuable possessions until someone stole it of me. I learnt all me cooking from it.
Why am I saying all of this? well, I have a friend who sends me blogs about food, just to tease me I bet, but this last blog touched a sore point, we all lived in Iraq for a while (when we went to University there) and we all loved the Iraqi food, which is, needless to say, fatty, oily, rich from all aspects, but we loved it! we hunted all types of restaurants and joints to try the varieties over there, even we ate in makeshift tents made by old men who sold very sweet Iraqi tea and served with it some sort of rusk which we dipped into the tea to make it softer, and the taste was out of this world. You will only understand this if you drink that tea. But hold on, you cannot go there now, they are still killing each other, I just wish that the chefs of the food you will see below are going to be living when the killings subsides and the country returns to normal living conditions. I am forecasting another 20 years, but who know it may take longer. Of course there are many blogs and forums out there talking about the same thing, I am only addng my own flavour to it, see this site for example: http://bit.ly/14lElnS
Without further ado, see below and enjoy:
Why am I saying all of this? well, I have a friend who sends me blogs about food, just to tease me I bet, but this last blog touched a sore point, we all lived in Iraq for a while (when we went to University there) and we all loved the Iraqi food, which is, needless to say, fatty, oily, rich from all aspects, but we loved it! we hunted all types of restaurants and joints to try the varieties over there, even we ate in makeshift tents made by old men who sold very sweet Iraqi tea and served with it some sort of rusk which we dipped into the tea to make it softer, and the taste was out of this world. You will only understand this if you drink that tea. But hold on, you cannot go there now, they are still killing each other, I just wish that the chefs of the food you will see below are going to be living when the killings subsides and the country returns to normal living conditions. I am forecasting another 20 years, but who know it may take longer. Of course there are many blogs and forums out there talking about the same thing, I am only addng my own flavour to it, see this site for example: http://bit.ly/14lElnS
Without further ado, see below and enjoy:
سوف أعرفكم على أشهر ألاكلات العراقية التقليدية والتي توارثها العراقيون جيل بعد جيل والتي سوف تبقى مدى الحياة كأكلات اساسية في كل بيت عراقي السمك المسكوف هذه الاكله تشتهر بها محافظه البصره ولان موقع البصره على شط العرب فالمسكوف الاكله الاكثر شعبيه هناك المسكوف
![]() ![]() ايضا يستخدم الخبز في عمل باقلاء بالبيض وهذه الاكله مفضله عند العراقيين خصوصا في الصباح وعند العطل الرسميه لان بدها مزاج ووقت لاكلها ليس كما في السندويج يؤكل على الماشي صباحا
باذنجان محشي باللحم المفروم
![]() برياني دجاج--- برياني عراقي يعمل من لحم الدجاج او لحم الغنم حسب الرغبه ويزين باللوز والكشمش وسلق البيض ووضعه على الرز نعود للاكلات الاخرى الدولمة (محشي ورق العنب أو ألسلق) ويستخدم بها ورق العنب والسلق والبصل البعض يضيف الخيار المحشي واللهانه والباذنجان وأهم شئ تقديم الدولمة وهي حارة حتى تبقى محافظة على طعمها الاصلي نعود الى الشواء وهذا الصنف لا يخلوا من المائده العراقيه واذكر والدي الله يرحمه يستعد لتحضير المنقله قبل الغروب استعداد للشوي ولا يزال شوي الكباب بكل بيت وهذه كانت امتع اللحظات في رمضان بعد الشواء وما يحلى الكباب اذا ما يكون مع الطماطة المشويه على الفحم والبصل المشوي ناتي لانواع الكبه وهذه التسميه لا اعرف موجوده في بعض الدول ام تحمل الكبه اسم اخر كبه راس العصفور او كبه حامض مقلوبه ومكوناتها رز وشعريه مطبوخ بعد ان يتبل في البهارات واللوز والكشمش ويضع في قدر ويقلي الباذنجان واللحم والبصل ويضع فوق الرز ويرص تم تقلب وتصبح شكلها مقل الكيكه الشاي ما يحلو الا بعد الافطار
It is the kebabs that make my mouth water along with ther persian rice. The Middle East has a wonderful cuisine.
ReplyDeleteAs for body image embarce who you are as we all come in different shapes and sizes.
I agree Velva, i am happy when i am fat, and sad when i am thin, so better happy than sad. love our food.