Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Good to rummage!

I needed to take copies of all my certificates, its a chore as I have so many, some framed, some in folders and some in a big green file that I had since 1983.  Got everything out, and amidst those papers I found so many interesting stuff, like for example my mediocre perormance appraisal when I was 35, and soon after that a letter from the top guy in my ex company congratulating me for doing a great job?? contrast, haha! my bonus certificate, some of my old work pictures, etc.  Anyway, I needed to take a scan of these documents, so I brought them all to the office.  While doing that a piece of paper falls down!!  to my surprise it was a list written by my speech therapist in 1993 (ancient).  You see I went to Mecca for piligrim in that year, and caught a virus which stopped me from speaking (Please God don't let that happen now to me as that is all I do now, talk talk talk)  I had to do that list every day. At the end my voice returned but instead of the one that sounded like the women in ABBA, I started to sound like a guy :)

Here is the list, try it at your own risk:

Vocal Hygiene

1.            No throat clearing.  If you need to do it, swallow and take a sip of water.
2.            You should always have a glass of water next to you.  Take a sip, every 10-15 minutes.
3.            Make sure your environment is not too dry.  Use a humidifier to make atmosphere humid (30%).
4.            Decrease use of heavy perfumes.
5.            Avoid environment with smoking.
6.            Avoid use of Aspirin
7.            No shouting / No speaking loud *
8.            Avoid excessive talking – that is not necessary.
9.            During presentations use a microphone.
10.          Don’t try to talk over TV, radio, turn it down.
11.          Reduce talking on the telephone.
12.          Avoid lifting heavy things.
13.          No whispering

Well, I am doing all of these stuff day in and day out. so no wonder.

My advise to you is to start rummaging in your old stuff, you never know what you will find. 

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